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Ms. Kassimu


Phone: 214-932-7600 (Office) / 469-278-6432 (Google Voice)

Qualifications: Sociology Pre-Med Master of Public Health Doctorate of Health Studies Master of Educational Leadership Colleges: Baylor University, UNTHSC, TWU, UNTD

Dr. Rahmatu Kassimu

Subject: Biology


Hometown: Dallas TX

Favorite Quote: "When I dare to be powerful – to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” – Audre Lorde

What is your "WHY":  I operate on the principle of Sanfoka, which means go and bring it back.  I give back what was given to me so that others can do the same.

Profile of Dr. Kassiumu by Student Journalist Angel Sandoval Peraza:

Here at New Tech High School we have many interesting teachers, but no one like Ms. Kassimu. She is a biology teacher that is motivated by her students' work and performance. Her inspiration to become a teacher was her nieces and nephews. She says she was really interested in being a teacher because,”I like the unpredictability of each day and I like what the day has to offer me.” She has many achievements- for example she has four degrees along with the businesses she owns. Some of the biggest challenges she said she faces are, “Wrestling with my own perfectionism and wanting my students to embrace the beauty in struggle and try harder or to at least try at all.” Some other things she does besides being a teacher is being a public health consultant, an academic writing coach and sometimes she works as an uber driver. As you can see she is an interesting teacher here at New Tech because she is always trying to improve.